Sunday, 12 April 2015

“Cross-media convergence and synergy are vital processes in the successful marketing of media products to audiences.” Research

Convergence definition- 
Media convergence is the merging of mass communication outlets – print, television, radio, the Internet along with portable and interactive technologies through various digital media platforms

Synergy definition- 
the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects, for example, the synergy between the artist and the record company.

Cross-Media Convergence and synergy are arguably the most important aspect of successfully marketing films.

Cross-Media Convergence and synergy are very important especially now when platforms such as twitter, facebook, youtube and google plus paying a vital part in the marketing of films.

Companies such as the company that created the film and youtube converge because youtube shows almost every trailer to every film being released and therefore youtube accidentally promotes other companies.

In the music industry this happens through film soundtracks as well as products from well-known artists being released. for example clothing, perfumes, posters, books, cups and advertisements. Merchandise is a huge part of the music industry. Many well-known artists will have a Merch Store on their website where fans of the music can go and purchase products online. It can also be sold at concerts, at a higher price as people feel more obliged to buy merch at concerts. Shops such as HMV will also stock merchandise from these artists. 

An example of synergy is Tv advertisements, Internet advertisements and trailers in cinemas as this promotes not just the company but also the media product.

cross media convergence are things like-

Synergy is the simultaneous release of two different products to boost both sales.

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