Sunday, 14 September 2014

editing and representation

What is meant by transition of image and sound?
The transition of image is the movement from one scene to another.
*find transition of sound definition*

Explain in your own words, why editing is so important.
Editing is one of the most important elements of film production, It extracts any unneeded footage from the film and helps the flow from scene to scene, audio can also be edited and improved. Editing is important as it turns a rough film into the film that the creator intended it to be.

Shot/reverse shot-  a shot is the continuous footage or sequence between two edits or cuts

Eyeline match- the audience sees what the character on screen is seeing 

Graphic match-  is a cut in film editing between either two different objects, two different spaces, or two different compositions in which an object in the two shots graphically match

Action match- one shot cuts to another shot portraying the action of the subject in the first shot

Jump cut-  an abrupt transition from one scene to another

crosscutting- a technique especially in film making of interweaving bits of two or more separate scenes

Parallel editing- alternating two or more scenes that often happen simultaneously but in different locations

Cutaway- cutaway shot is the interruption of a continuously filmed action by inserting a view of something else.

Insert- Shot of some small but significant detail in a scene shot during postproduction on an insert stage or picked up on the set

Dissolve- image that fades out of or into focus

Cut- a single unbroken strip of film

Fade-in, Fade-out-  The terms fade-out and fade-in are used to describe a transition to and from a blank image.

Wipe- A wipe is a type of film transition where one shot replaces another by travelling from one side of the frame to another or with a special shape

Superimposition- When two different shots are printed onto the same strip of film.

Long take, short take- long take or oner is an uninterrupted shot in a film which lasts much longer than the conventional editing pace either of the film itself or of films in general, usually lasting several minutes. a shot of film or video that has a brief duration on screen; usually less than 3 seconds; see Long take and Footage descriptions.

Slow motion- the process or technique of filming or taping a motion-picture or television sequence at an accelerated rate of speed and then projecting or replaying it at normal speed so that the action appears to be slowed down


Ellipsis & expansion of time- icinematography, an ellipses of time is simply an elongated scene. Although, it's rarely used as it has the bore factor

Post production -This refers to all the editing work that goes in to the motion picture/ tv show, AFTER the production has been filmed.

Visual effects- Also known as VFX, this is manipulation of the original visual in order to create an engineered image. can be made on editing software after the actual shot has been taken. Best example is transformers

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